After I got back to my hotel room, I had kind of made up my mind on forgetting the woman I had met that day. Love cannot be forgotten. But love cannot be forced as well you know. Love comes and love leaves at its own accord ungoverned and untouched by the forces of nature-  unfazed my human laws. But they do have human laws on stalking and it is frowned upon. So I left the rest to destiny and the alignment of the stars and such. Any more forceful pursuit by myself would jinx it, is what I convinced myself. I believe that to be true for the most part. Of course, it was not all sunshine for the heart. As expected it rumbled and tumbled inside my rib cage voicing its retaliation against this decision. But, sadly to its misfortune the brain reigned superior this time around. “If it has to be it will be. If it’s meant to be it will be. If fate desires so all the weird gears of the universe will work their magic to make it happen and voila next thing you know you got the girl in your arms, drowning out your liver in champagne and you lungs in cheap cigar. But for now lie quiet!”, said the brain assuming command of all the senses from here on out.

It was a fail-safe mechanism set up by the brain to keep me safe after my previous heart break. It was a real train-wreck. So to keep that from happening, the brain tried to run things at such times. I did not mind as long as my head was straight. Hey, I wonder how dad is doing!

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